Thursday, August 03, 2006

So my boss asked me to find someone who can work on her conversion van - the one with the cozy green velvet interior that I would seriously live in.

"RufRoad Brakes and Mufflers."

"Hello. Your website says you work on conversion vans, is that right?"


"Do you only work on brakes and mufflers, or can you fix other mechanical problems?"


"You can repair other problems with a conversion van?"

"Brakes and mufflers."

"Just brakes and mufflers?"

"Rufroad brakes and mufflers."

"Do you speak English?"


"Is there anyone there that speaks English?"



robyn said...

So when I told Nathan about Landon peeing on the bed he thought that was funny. When he asked why I was laughing this time, I told him and he didnt get it. I thought it was very funny.

Aubrey said...

I welcome all comments, even if they were meant for someone else's blog.

Tiffany said...

So famous people huh? So funny. I wish I had seen someone famous this year.
oh oops, I meant:
That is so funny Landon peed on you guys. Good luck!

Aubrey said...

That's hilarious. I'm hoping the next comment will be "That's such a cute black and white picture of your family with your cute little baby, Audrey Sage" and I'll just say "Thanks, I know."

Tiffany said...

Wouldn't that be kind of a fun afternoon- just posting random non-related comments on everyone's blogs. This could become better than the prank call.

Aubrey said...

That's a fabulous idea. I think I'll do it.

Carlos said...

Chee-burger! Chee-burger! Chee-burger. No brakes, just chee-burger.

Aubrey said...

Col just explained Robyn's comment to me. Oops :)

Cameron said...

Did you ever find someone to work on the conversion van? Let me know if you do because I would love to be able to recommend them to people...

Aubrey said...

No. Surprisingly, there's not much of a need anymore. Who knew?