Monday, January 15, 2007

A good video for a Monday morning.


Jamie & Johnny said...

Now I feel like a hug and my baby is sleeping and no one else is around. Maybe I'll pick up my dog and give him a hug. Cool video!

Scrap Happy said...

Not to be a pessimist, but what do you want to bet that that guy had lice by the end of the day???

Aubrey said...

Or at the beginning of the day... I admit I found myself wondering if I'd hug him. I would, however, sign the petition.

Carlos said...

Why wouldn't the first group want a free mug?

Cameron said...

Yeah, I think there were probably many more hugs given once he loaned his sign out to other people.

David said...

I have to admit... If I were going about my daily business walking down the street I don't think I would have hugged a 6'4", long haired, male stranger holding a sign soliciting hugs. However, it's nice to know many others would and I would definitely have signed the petition.

P.S. Under the right circumstances I possibly would have hugged any of the others that I saw join in the apparent Hug Fest of 2006.

The Dixon Family said...

That video made me all warm and fuzzy inside.

But I agree, they probably would've had more success if they had a beautiful blonde with really big . . .teeth.

Reminds me of the Dave Mathews "Everyday" video . . .

Cameron said...

How many wallets do you think he got