Wednesday, October 18, 2006

All hail the Drool Queen!

Bow to me ye minions!


Cameron said...

so are you carrying a mop around with you now?

Aubrey said...

Thus far, her shirt has been serving that purpose... we're going to need to start putting a bib on her at all times. If that doesn't do the trick, a mop may indeed prove necessary.

Judson said...

i had the same problem until i turned 26. something to do with learning how to swallow. i don't know. i can't really remember.

Tiffany said...

I feel like this is one of those pictures where there should be a little cartoon text bubble coming from her mouth with the words "RARRR....!!!"
If I had more time, I would photoshop that together. . .

Tatum said...

She is SO cute, and she really seems to be developing a little personality. (Yes 'little' as compared to 'big', that would be corret.)

Carlos said...

I drool every time I hear a bell ring. Now why do I do that? Dog gone it!