Thursday, October 05, 2006

Hand-puffed at the factory in Neucousin

Last night I was standing in the checkout line at the grocery store, patiently waiting my turn. The guy in front of me was buying 2 packages of mini marshmallows. The checker picked up the first bag, and little marshmallows spilled all over the place. She informed him that the package was open and asked if he wanted to get a different one. "Oh, I did that," he said. "Sorry, yeah... I opened it and ate some."

First of all, plain marshmallows are gross but if you are going to eat marshmallows without toasting them, I would think the large ones would be better, especially the colored ones. The small ones just taste like chalk. I personally prefer Fluffy Puff Air Puffed Sugar Delights.

Second, you're not supposed to go to the grocery store that hungry because then all you end up buying is mini marshmallows.

Third, you're not allowed to open stuff in a grocery store before paying for it unless it is to be fed to a screaming toddler. Bulk food bins are the exception, as long as you drop a nickel in the slot.


Tatum said...

That is a funny story. The real question is, what kind of stuff have you opened and started eating in the store before you checked out?
Are you going to put the answers up for that one quesion? wink.

Carlos said...

He was trying to play puffy, puffy bunny on aisle three.

Aubrey said...

Next time I see someone choking on marshmallows in the middle of Fry's I'll know exactly what's going on.

I can't think of anything I've opened before checking out, but I reserve the right to do so if Addie is ever throwing a fit and screaming "I WANT A DING DONG!"

Do they even make Ding Dongs anymore?

Col said...

I thought it was called "chubby bunny".

Jill said...

First of all, let me introduce myself as a friend of Courtney's. I cant help commenting since I am guilty of opening and eating food of all sorts in the grocery store! Unless the item is priced by the pound, what's the harm? You get hungry... and you're gonna pay for it!

And it is Chubby Bunny. I almost dry heave just thinking of it...

Cameron said...

I used to open a cold gatorade or other juice-type drink sometimes. They have them in the refrigerated area, so it makes sense that they intend that you drink it while shopping for the rest of your groceries. Also, there is no rule against going to the grocery store thirsty.

Ingelheim Five said...

Feeding Blaine Ding Dongs in the commissary is the only thing that keeps him from throwing a tantrum. We have good Ding Dongs over here; they come frozen and taste just like they came off the conveyor belt. Yum!

The Dixon Family said...

I just ate a Ding Dong. And it was good.

Aubrey said...

I haven't seen them here in AZ for some time. That's one thing Utah has bested us at. Hostess-a-plentyness.

the Painters said...

Guilty. Drank a bottle of water once before checkout. Never paid for it.....jk

Courtney said...

Regarding food at the grocery store I am not guilty, but I do read magazines before buying them.

Col said...

I can up that one Courtney. I read magazines without buying them.

Cameron said...

We are much better off w/o the Hostess.