Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I need a nap.

There was a time when I could stay up until 4 a.m. and it was no big deal - mainly because I could sleep until noon the next day. Those days are gone. Adeline was wide awake it's morning at 7 a.m., giving me a total of 3 hours of sleep. I then chose a New Year's Day matinee over a nap.

The Holiday - 1

I brought a pillow and blanket to work today so I can sleep in my car during my lunch break.


Tatum said...

How was your nap?

Aubrey said...

Col and my mom both called in the middle. I would've turned my phone off but I needed the alarm on it or I probably would've been asleep until tomorrow morning.

The Dixon Family said...

I have totally had that "mom" reality check. Sunday thru Monday. Holidays. Even daylight savings. It doesn't matter. Those little alarm clocks go off the same every day. No matter what.

Tiffany said...

Bummer. Maybe you need to put an alarm clock in your car for future naps. That way the phone can be silenced leaving you to snooze. Or I have an even better idea, you could build a small bed underneath your desk. I think someone named George could give you a few tips.

Col said...

I called, then realized what time it was so I hung up. I tried to cut it off before the ring would wake her, but I wasn't quick enough.

Carlos said...

This girl will be able to get up on time when she serves a mission! Go with the flow.