Saturday, October 07, 2006

An exception to the rule.

Today I broke my "don't open anything until you pay for it" rule. This stuff must be applied AS SOON AS POSSIBLE when one feels a certain blemish coming on. As in "as soon as you find the box in the store" and not "as soon as you're able to pay for the medecine and leave the store."


Col said...

I think the fact that we were inside Walmart makes it OK. It would seem that Walmart doesn't have a rule against opening things before you pay for them.

I hate Walmart and I try as hard as I can not to shop there. On the other have, I love to shop at VValmart... the stores are as different as night and day.

Tatum said...

Another exception would be posting on Saturday! This is really a treat.

robyn said...

did you say you were at VValmard, because Cameron and I love that store

Cameron said...

No, we love Vvalmard. Totally different store.

Aubrey said...

Is this double V (VValmard) joke one that's been around awhile and I've missed it somehow? Or did it just begin with this post? I feel like I'm behind the times.

Cameron said...

Royn has dreams of starting a copycat versin of Walmart, and capitalizing on the brand recognition by naming it something similar to Walmart, such as VValmart or Walmard, etc.

Walmart - we love the concept, but hate the trashy store up on Chapparal Rd.

Aubrey said...

Who is Royn? Why are you all trying so hard to confuse me?!

Just kidding. That Chaparral location is the worst, probably because it's on the res. Excuse the slur, but let's not call an apple a pear.