Sunday, October 29, 2006

It's all downhill from here.

I don't know if we'll ever come up with a better idea for a Halloween costume than we had this year as Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox. We should probably quit while we're ahead. That way I'd never have to wear face paint again. As much as I like no one being able to recognize me, getting that blue off my face was no fun.


Col said...

We were going to dress as the Blue Man Group until we saw this

the Painters said...

That blue men picture is just plain ole freaky!....But then so are you two...I can't decide who's freakier.

David said...

I have to say... those definitely were the best costumes ever.

Cameron said...

I can't believe that aubrey agreed to walk around on her hands and knees all night. That is true dedication to Halloween.

Second to that is how Courtney and Nathan agreed to throw a party, but remain silent all night long. By the end of the night, I would have been dying to talk to all my friends.

Aubrey said...

It was pretty amazing. Nate was even able to mime trash talking during all the games.

Judson said...

for next year, i'm thinking:

jolly green giant & a big green bean

i'll keep my eye out for green paint for you guys.

Aubrey said...

I'll find a bean or a corn on the cob outfit, and Col will be the one painting his face green. My #1 goal for next year is to not have to paint my face.