Sunday, March 18, 2007

Giving in.

Yesterday while Nathan and Jacob were at our house playing with Adeline, Nathan discovered that he could get Addie to laugh uncontrollably by putting a toy elephant in her mouth. This in turn made him laugh really hard and was one of the cutest things I'd seen in awhile. I grabbed our digital camera and tried to get a picture. Red letters flashed "No Memory Left" because Col had forgotten to replace the memory disk. I grabbed it, put it in and tried to take a picture. I was so frustrated waiting for the flash to charge, and took several pictures where they had both moved and all that was left was Jacob hunting for goldfish crackers in the background. This picture isn't half bad, I'll admit, but it's a little fuzzy and it's the only one that came out at all.

I turned to Col and said, "Alright, let's go to Costco and get that camera." Now we're broke but I'm going to be missing a lot less photo ops of my baby girl.


Cameron said...

I am just glad that the boys did not try playing their other favorite games that make them laugh wildly - "slow headbutting" and "throwing balls at one's head for fun".

Addie got off pretty easy.

Cameron said...

BTW - Am I surprised that Jacob was off searching for goldfish to eat while the main event was going on?

Not one bit.

Carlos said...

Jacob always was the hunter-gatherer type.