Thursday, October 19, 2006

New Shoes

Today at work we put back together one of our project rooms after extensive remodeling and construction. I had been standing for some time so I kicked off my shoes. The floor was quite dusty so I looked around for something to make shoes out of. My eyes fell upon something that you may be familiar with. It doesn't work very well to wrap a ream of paper in, but it makes great shoes.

P.S. I just realized how much my legs looked like the Grape Lady's legs in this picture, so I cropped them out. Be grateful, you lucky few who saw the previous picture.


Courtney said...

They must think you are crazy!

robyn said...

Project Runway here she comes! Can you make a dress to match?

Aubrey said...

That's a great idea...

Unfortunately, it will have to wait until after the many Halloween costumes I have agreed to make that I don't have time for.