Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Signs your child has joined a gang.

When I went to get Addie out of her crib after her nap this afternoon, to my surprise I saw that she had tied this bandana to her forearm. I quickly removed it, of course. She watched out of the corner of her eyes and will probably tie it back on as soon as I'm out of sight.


Courtney said...

What gang does she represent? The girlie gang?

Cameron said...

tupac was in the same gang...well, his mom was. That was right after she was a black panther, but before she founded her record company.

Aubrey said...

It took a litte prying, but I finally extracted this information from her. The gang calls itself the "Rose-colored Regulators"

The Coopers said...

Dang, Sarah and I are thinking about having a kid sometime soon. Do you know if the Rose-colored Regulators have a posse in Adelaide?

Aubrey said...

I tried to find out, but she refused to give any information about international conglomerates. She said there are serious repercussions for information leaks.