Friday, August 11, 2006

When I was a kid, I hated green beans.

This little girl brought back some very vivid memories.

I love the end. "I'm never eating a green beans again!!"


Collette said...

I don't think I've laughed that hard in a week. I can't wait to show that to my kids.

p.s. This is Tiffany's sister. :-)

robyn said...

have you ever seen nathan eat broccoli?

Cameron said...

I can't even listen to that. The video reinforces my believe that nobody's kids are as cute as your own. Sorry eveybody else...

I know my own kids may go through this type of crying and screaming thing, but I really hope that you don't have to listen to it. That's my job. I hope you will give me the same consideration...

Aubrey said...

Sorry, Cam. I can't make any promises.

Col said...


Cameron said...

Belief, not believe...please excuse my error. That guy's kid may be smarter than me!